BAADER Refiner for a wide range of products

BAADERING  – Means Adding Value

The gentle method of product  refinement – how to increase resource efficiency with the best possible quality outcome.

BAADER has developed a unique and worldwide proven method for separating soft and solid components for a wide range of applications like desinewing from pre-cut red meat, poultry and fish or puree and juice production from fruit and vegetables and last but not least depackaging of small packages.

A variety of raw products can be refined using this method.

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Learn more about BAADER 581 Pro

Optimizing Output: How the BAADER 581 Pro came into being

Then the challenge was to do it as well – or even better”, says Mirko Pagels, who led the R&D team for the BAADER 581 Pro. “Depending on the fish’s anatomy, the knife is automatically adapted to the backbone. Individually, for every single fish.”

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BAADER Sells Salmon Line to Skagerak Processing A/S

“Based on our research and experience we have chosen the salmon line from BAADER because it will guarantee us a reliable performance and most of all high yield.” says Bård Sekkingstad, Owner of Sekkingstad AS.

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  • Spring supported reproducible pressure system  
  • Rollers for easy, flexible moving as an option  
  • Easy and time-saving cleaning
  • E-polished surface
  • Approved for USDA, employer’s liability insurance association (BG) and CE certified

Technical Data

  • Operator
    1 person 
  • Power
    3.0 kW   
  • Weight (net)
    420 kg
  • Hole diameter (standard)
    1.3; 2; 3; 5 mm


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Machine Details
The new BAADER 608 takes the BAADERING technology to the next level. Thanks to its improved design, this machine is the most innovative and hygienic of its kind. It sets new standards for food quality, value creation and process reliability, as well as for user-friendliness. This technology does not only add value but also improves sustainability by increasing resource efficiency.
Hygienic Design
The BAADER 608 raises the benchmark for food safety and hygiene. The surface on the inside of the new front plate, is smooth, making it easier to keep clean. Dispense with support rollers, improves hygiene. There are no duplications and no screw connections.
The pressure roller can be lowered even further for better handling, cleaning and adjustment options. All axes and bolts are now rounded, eliminating a potential source of germs. The tension rollers for the support chain are now covered and thus easier to keep sterile and clean, thanks to its smooth surface.

Draining slant son and in the housing ensure water drains from anywhere.

The machine recirculates excess lubricating grease, so it cannot drip through lubricating holes.
Value Creation
The BAADER 608 provides maximum yield while ensuring the highest product quality. Its innovative discharge belt increases process reliability ensuring residual materials are continuously discharged.

Various parameters, such as pressure or distance between single products, can be set for different products and retrieved at any time. This ensures that quality and yield remain consistent, and results are reproducible.

A new kind of product scraper conveys the product from the machine with maximum care, minimizing the contact between product and machine, and thus ensures the product retains its structure. A discharge belt for residues instead of a slide as in older versions, operates without interruptions.
User Friendliness
The BAADER 608 is very user-friendly, thereby increasing workers’ welfare.

The new hydraulic perforated drum tension is more ergonomic to handle. The new front plate can be opened without any tools and with less process interruption. Quick and easy access to the interior facilitates assembly and maintenance of the machine.

The new control panel is easy to handle with no manual settings required.

The BAADER 608 is ready for the future and comes with an interface for further data processing.
Process Reliability
The BAADERING process provides reproducible results, thus enabling the standardization of raw materials. It ensures maximum yield and high process reliability.

Its innovative discharge belt increases process reliability ensuring residual materials are continuously discharged.

The squeezing belt and support chain tension automatically adjust to varying product sizes, so there is no need for manual settings after changing the perforated drum.
Product Details
BAADERING of various meat, poultry and fish materials allows for an optimally sorted product, close to tendon free and free from bone, cartilage, fins and other impurities while preserving the muscle fibre structure. The gentle processing method guarantees low calcium content, a high binding capacity of the ground meat, an optimum meat color and a convincing visual appearance of the end product. Its flexible use extends to other raw materials such as fruit and vegetable, depackaging and more. The result is a structured product of high quality gained from previously discharged resources.
Red Meat
Standardization of meat is necessary to comply with permissible guide values for connective tissue and to provide reproducible results. Manual removal of bones and connective issues is time consuming and inaccurate. The gentle BAADERING process reduces mechanical stress on the meat to a minimum this preserving the muscle fibre structure while optimally sorting the product, close to tendon free and free from bone and cartilage. The result is baadered meat low in calcium, with a high binding capacity of the ground meat, an optimum meat color and a convincing visual appearance of the end product. Machine-derived residual meat is an important raw material to produce meat products and meat preparations. Production of this meat can greatly increase economic benefits.
Standardization of meat is necessary to comply with permissible guide values for connective tissue and to provide reproducible results. Manual removal of bones and connective issues is time consuming and inaccurate. The gentle BAADERING process reduces mechanical stress on the meat to a minimum this preserving the muscle fibre structure while optimally sorting the product, close to tendon free and free from bone and cartilage. The result is baadered meat low in calcium, with a high binding capacity of the ground meat, an optimum meat color and a convincing visual appearance of the end product. Machine-derived residual meat is an important raw material to produce meat products and meat preparations. Production of this meat can greatly increase economic benefits. The importance and use vary greatly by region.
Fish Mince
Manual extraction of fish mince or other raw material is time-consuming and inaccurate. The gentle BAADERING process reduces mechanical stress on the fish mince to a minimum thus preserving the muscle fibre structure while optimally sorting the product free from fishbone, skin, cartilage and other impurities. The flexible settings of the hole diameter allow adjusting to a variety of raw material processed. For example, hard particles, from crab and lobster shells can be perfectly separated from quality meat. Fine and coarsely structured materials can further be added to make an attractive product in which the coarse is dominant.  
Fruit and Vegetable
Standardization of fruit and vegetable products is necessary to comply with permissible guide values for connective tissue and to provide reproducible results. Manual removal of leaves, seeds and peel is time-consuming and inaccurate. BAADERING enables do dispense chemical proceed and to obtain the natural taste of the product. The structure of the product remains grainy. On top of that, storable products can be processed fresh all year round. BAADERING offers multiple advantages and is versatile.
In many stages of food production, rejected material generation is often unavoidable when organic and inorganic materials are being mixed. Liquids in composite packaging can quickly generate high tonnages. With the BAADERING process, not only new products can be created, but plastics can be recycled and organic materials can be composted or used for biogas, animal feed, etc., or indeed put back into production as rework. BAADERING has proved particularly successful for depackaging carton packages such as TetraPak with any contents. Milk, yoghurt, juice or soups can be completely removed from the package.

Even small fish –big yield

  • Small fish possible with optional small fish kit
  • Cod from 550g – 2,500g h&g
  • High speed for small fish (with optional small fish kit)
  • Smart recipe management
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Re- New Use Details

Making the most out of the raw material being processed is sustainable and economically beneficial. BAADERING enables the highest possible resource efficiency with the best possible quality of results. Sustainable value-add can be achieved by valuable product recovery, co-product extraction and preparing for recycling.

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Re-Use Enablement

BAADERING represents a scalable way to reuse raw material of products needing reuse. During production, it is normal for small deviations to occur, (such as incorrect printing, waste, machine advance, faulty packaging system, overproduction, etc.) These rejects cannot be sold as they may deviate from known quality standards. Those unattractively locking products can be separated from their casing or package in such a way that the valuable raw material is retained. After re-processing, the products can then be supplied to the trade. 

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Co-Product Refinement

Product enhancements offer high-profit potential with efficient use of resources. Smart reprocessing of valuable nutrients in all co-products is the key. Almost every co-product can be enhanced when extracted with the BAADERING technology.  Salmon oil, salmon or poultry skin, fisheye or chicken liver or just a few examples of co-products that bear significant extraction potential. BAADER is cooperating with food technologists specialized in finding new ways of co-product handling and innovative protein generation. 

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Recycling Preparation 

BAADERING provides decisive advantages to the quality of the processed goods. Therefore, the advanced technology is used in various food industries and even for recycling purposes.  BAADERING can reduce the amount of waste and disposal costs as much as possible through recycling. If products are no longer suitable for trade, the BAADERING Technology enables them to be prepared for material or energy recycling - entirely following the customer's application requirements.

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BAADER Refiner for a wide range of products

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BAADER Refiner for a wide range of products

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BAADER Refiner for a wide range of products

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Efficient Trimming with Maximum Flexibility -Automatic Trimming Solution BAADER 988

Dennis Peukert, Sales Manager, highlights how optimizations and innovations like camera analysis and machine software lead to a high performance of the BAADER 988 in trimming up to 50 fillets per minute all day long.

The flexibility of the machine offers the possibility to choose the most profitable trim by using so called super recipes.

With Dennis Peukert

2:20 | Release Date 2.11.2020

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